About FAH

From Doubt to Defiance: The Birth of Fake Action Hero

Extreme sports communities can be intimidating on the best of our days.

As a thirty-something year old student skydiver in Advanced Free Fall (AFF) school, our founder found himself asking: 

"Is this really me? Am I pretending to be someone I'm not? Am I... fake?"

Founder learning to skydive - learning to overcome impostor syndrome.

These questions, usually reserved for introspective moments on solid ground, were now being asked in a loud plane, rapidly ascending to altitude in tight circles above the Arizona desert before dropping loads of skydivers. 

But with each jump, and each safe landing, a transformation occurred. The feelings of being an impostor faded, replaced by a genuine sense of self and a newfound confidence. The realization struck: it wasn't about being an extreme sports athlete or fitting into a mold. It was about challenging personal boundaries, both physical and emotional, and emerging stronger on the other side.

Fake Action Hero is a tribute to that journey and a call to all those who've ever doubted themselves. To those who've stood on the edge, whether literal or metaphorical, and thought:

"Oh shit, should I be doing this?" We're here to tell you: Yes, you should. And you're not alone.

Our brand is more than just apparel and accessories; it's a community, a movement. It's for everyone who's ever felt like an outsider, who's pushed their limits and discovered a version of themselves they never knew existed.

So, to all the daredevils, the risk-takers, the dreamers, and especially to those who still feel a bit 'fake' - we see you. We're with you. Dive in, take that leap, and remember: you're real, you're valid, and you've got this. 



Scottsdale AZ Based

Veteran Owned

Part Art Part Extreme Sports

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